Abbreviations: F.I.C., F.O.W., F.R.C.P., F.W.A. and others.

Fo. -Folio.
F.M.-Foreign Minister,
F. M. -Field Marshall.
F.P. -Family Planning.
F.O.B. -Free on Board.
F.O.W. -Free on Wagon.
F.O.R. -Free on Rail.
F.A.O. -Food and Agriculture Organisation.
F.B.I. -Federal Bureau of Investigation.
F.R.I. -Forest Research Institute.
F.R.G. -Federal Republic of Germany.
F.P.A. -Free Press Association,Family Planning Assistants.
F.A.R. -Federation of Arab Republics.
F.W.P. -Food for Work Programme.
F.W.V. -Family Welfare Visitiors.
F.W.A. -Family Welfare Assistants,Family Welfare Association.
F.W.C. -Family Welfare Centre.
F.A.A. -Federal Aviation Administration,
F.A.A. -Fleet Air Arm.
F.I.C. -Flood Information Centre.
F.R.G.S. -Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society.
F.E.N.A. -Flight Engineers'and Navigators' Association.
F.R.C.P. -Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians.
F.R.C.S. -Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons.
F.P.I.A. -Family Planning International Assistance.

Abbreviations: F.I.F.A., F.I.S.A., F.F.W.W.

F.I.F.A.-Federation of International Football Associations.
F.I.S.A. -Federation of International Swimming Associations.
F.F.W.W. -Female Family Welfare Worker.
F.I.N.A. -Federation Internationale de-nation Amateur
F.P.A.B. -Family Planning Association of Bangladesh.
F.B.C.C.I. -Federation of Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
F.E.I.S.C.A. -Federation of Engineering Institutions of South and Central Asia.
FRELIMO.-Mozambique Liberation Front.       

Abbreviations: E.P.C.B., E.R.D.A., E.R.T.S., E.R.I.M., E.S.C.A.P, E.C.N.E.C.

E.C. -Executive Committee Election Commission.
E-in-C. -Engineer-in-Chief.
E.P.B. -Export Promotion Bureau
E.P.C.-Export Price Control.
E.N.A. -Eastern News Agency.
E.E.C. -European Economic Community.
E.F.U. -European Football Union.
E.M.A. -European Monetary Agreement.
E.M.S. -Emergency Medical Service ,
E.M.S. -Express Mail Service.
E.C.M. -European Common Market.
E.U.A. -European Units of Account
E.L.C. -Extra Legal Committee.
E.S.A. -European Space Agency.
E.G.M. -Expert Group Meeting.
E.P.Z. -Export Processing Zone.
E.C.Us.-European Currency Units.
E.E.R.B. -Excess Exchange-rate Burden.
E.R.D.L. -Explosive Research and Development Laboratory.
E.F.A.S. -Exchange -rate Fluctuation Absorption Scheme.
E.F.T.A. -European Free Trade Association.
E.F.T.A. -European Free Trade Area.
E.P.Z.A. -Export Processing Zone Authority.
E.& O.E. -Errors and Omissions Excepted.
E.C.A.F.E.-Economic Commission for Asia and Far-East.
E.C.D.C. -Economic Co-operation among Developing Countries.
E.P.C.B. -Environment Pollution Control Board.
E.R.D.A. -Energy Research and Development Agency.
E.R.T.S. -Earth Resources Technology Satellite.
E.R.I.M. -Environmental Research Institute of Michigan.
E.G.A.T.A. -Electricity Generation and Transmission Authority.
E.S.C.A.P. -Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific.
E.C.N.E.C. -Executive Committee of National Economic Council.                            ----------------------o-----------------------

D.U.T.A., D.M.C.H., D.I.G.P. and others: Abbreviations.

D.I.G.P. -Deputy Inspector General of Police.
D.N.M.I. -Dhaka National Medical Institute.
D.M.C.H. -Dhaka Medical College Hospital.
D.M.S.A. -Dhaka Metropos Sports Association.
D.U.T.A. -Dhaka University Teacher's Association.
D.P.T.V. -Diphtheria Polio and Tetanus Vaccination.
D.P.R.K. -Democratic Peoples Republic of korea.
D.U.C.S.U. -Dhaka University Central Students'Union.
D.C.M.L.A. -Deputy Chief Martial Law Administrator.                  

D.L.O., D.P.H., D.D.S. and others: Abbreviations.

D.C. -Deputy Commissioner.
D.G. -Director General.
D.M. -District Magistrate.
D.U. -Dhaka University.
D.L. -Doctor of Law.
D.Lit-Doctor of Literature.
Dak.Gaz.-Dhaka Gazette.
D.T.E.-Director of Technical Education.
D.D.T. -Dibhlor Diphenyl Trichlorethane.
D.P.H. -Diploma in Public Health.
D.Ph.or D.Phil -Doctor of Philosophy.
D.L.O. -Dead Letter Office.
D.S.P.-Deputy Superintendent of Police.
D.D.S. -Doctor of Dental Surgery
D.P.I. -Director of Pubblic Instructions.
D.M.P. -Dhaka Metropolitan Police.
D.U.J. -Dhaka Union of Journalists
D.W.T. -Dead Weight Tonnage.
D.T.W. -Deep Tube Well.
D.C.L. -Doctor of Civil Law.
D.P.M. -Diploma in Psychological Medicine.
D.F.I. -Development Financing Institution.
D.F.I. -Directorate of Forces Intelligence.
D.S.E. -Dhaka Stock Exchange.
D.D.D.E. -Dhaka Division Development Board.
D.D.P.I. -Deputy Director of Public Instructions.

C.I.F.C.I., C.C.D.E.A., C.C.P.S., C.S.I.R.O.: Abbreviations.

C.C.P.S. -Consultative Committee for Postal Studies.
C.I.F.C.I. -Cost,Insurance, Freight,Commission and Interest.
C.H.T.D.B. -Chittagong Hill Tracts Development Board.
C.S.I.R.O. -Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation.
C.A.T.W.A. -Cinema and Television Watcher's Association.
C.S.I.R.O. -Commonwealth Scientific and Industial Research Organisation.
C.W.N.C. -Children & Women Welfare Council.
C.I.R.D.A.P. -Centre on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and Pacific.
C.C.D.E.A. -Central Co-ordination Committee of the Doctors,Engineers and Agriculturists.                     -o-

C.C.A., C.M.P., C.I.D., C.M.O., Cr.P.C., C.E.P.Z. : abbreviations

C.D.C. -Commonwealth Development Corporation.
C.P.B. -Communist party of Bangladesh.
C.S.S. -Christain Service Society.
C.P.C. -Care and Protection Centre.C.I.A. -Central Intelligence Agency (USA).
C.I.D. -Criminal Investigation Department.
C.I.F. -Cost,Insurance and Freight.C.M.O. -Chief Medical Officer
C.H.P. -Community Health Programme.
C.G.S. -Chief of General staff.
C.F.A. -Committee on Food Aid.
C.U.S. -Centre for Urban Studies.
C.R.C.-Camera Recreation Club.
C.M.P. -Corps of Military Police.
C.M.P. -Chittagong Metropolitan Police.
C.C.A. -Commission for Conventional Arms.
C.N.O. -Central News Organisation
C.N.S. -China News Service.
C.S.A. -Channel Swimming Association.
Cr.P.C. -Criminal Procedure Code
CENTO -Central Treaty Organisation.
C.M.E.A. -Council for Mutual Economic Assistance.
C.B.I.I. -Central Bureau of Investigation in India.
C.M.L.A. -Chief Martial Law Administrator.
C.I.E.C. -Conference on International Economic Co-operation.
C.H.R.A. -Commanity Health Research Association.
C.O.T.A. - Civil Officers Training Academy.
C.H.E.C. -Commonwealth Human Ecology Council.
C.H.E.C. -Commonwealth Human Ecological Conference.
C.F.T.C. -Commonwealth Fund for Technical Co -operation.
CARE -Co-operative for American Relief Everywhere.
C.I.D.A. -Canadian International Development Agency.
C.E.P.Z. -Chittagong Export Processing Zone.
C.U.P.L. -Chittagong Urea Fertilizer Limited